Travel Stories

These stories are from my travels in Asia in 2003, except for the top post which is from my 2005 bike tour in France. You may also be interested in this blog of the 2012 bicycling honeymoon throughtout Europe.

$show_limit && $lt >= 0); $lt--) { for ($lt = 0; $lt <= $row_max; $lt++) { $story_id = pg_result ( $story_result, $lt, 0 ); $image_list = explode ( " ", trim ( pg_result ( $story_result, $lt, 1 ) ) ); $title = ""; $title .= wordwrap ( pg_result ( $story_result, $lt, 2 ), $width, "
", 16 ) ; $title .= "
"; $priority = pg_result ( $story_result, $lt, 3 ); $story = pg_result ( $story_result, $lt, 4 ); $story_lead = substr ( $story, 0, strpos ( $story, " ", 250 ) ) . " ..."; // $story_lead = wordwrap ( $story_lead, $width, "
", 16 ); $date = pg_result ( $story_result, $lt, 5 ); $sm_width = 300; if ( sizeof ($image_list) > 1 ) { $j=0; while ( $sm_width > 200 ) { $img = rand ( 0, (sizeof ( $image_list ) - 1) ); $image_result = pg_query ( "select * from images where id = '$image_list[$img]'" ); $sm_width = pg_result($image_result, 0, 14); if ( $j == 30 ) { $sm_width=0; break; } $j++; } $id = pg_result($image_result, 0, 0); $country = rtrim(pg_result($image_result, 0, 3)); $spec_loc = rtrim(pg_result($image_result, 0, 4)); $fileext = pg_result($image_result, 0, 9); $sm_height = pg_result($image_result, 0, 15); $file_loc=escape_space ("./images/{$country}/{$spec_loc}{$id}_sm.{$fileext}"); if ( $sm_width == 0 ) { // this means only have horizontal pics echo "
$title ($date)

$story_lead"; } else { // only have horizontal pic, so show no picture echo "

$title ($date)


"; } } else { echo "

$title ($date)


"; } } ?>

Photo Search: email/publickey licensing