
One day stopover in Seoul Inchon

Korean Air plane My plane from ORD to Incheon. I was amused by the "Flying Food Group" trailer. Happiness in Korea Koreans have a stong attachment to "happiness", in a "Hello Kitty" sort of way, like these two stores. The bag I took my bread out of this morning to toast said, "Presents for you delicious taste enjoy your happy time."
Ur-wang beach Ur-wang beach had the air of a deserted resort town in off-season. There was litter along the high-tide mark, but it was otherwise a nice beach. The hills were beautiful around it, although they too were marred by power lines and houses. Boat beached on Ur-Wang
Fisherman at Ur-wang This man had what I guessed was a twenty foot pole, with ten feet of line, that he whipped around his head to cast. This is about as close as I could get without getting hooked. A little closer After he called out "Good Morning!" I actually asked him if I could take his picture and walked up closer to do so. He was wearing a Washigton Redskins hat.
Heading out, 6 am. Heading out the door to catch the bus to O'Hare.

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