The first day I was here I sat in the "foreigner" section, which was far away and involved a great deal of sitting still. That evening I talked to a videographer and I lamented that I was unable to get a press pass, and she said, "Well, why not?" Why not indeed. The next day I told security I was a writer/photographer. They needed a letter from an editor. "But am my editor," I protested. "For my website. A letter from my editor would be a letter from me." That's fine, they said, so long as it is on letterhead for your publication. So I went to an internet cafe, made letterhead, and wrote a letter endorsing myself. It worked!
PhotographerJoe Morris
Exposure0.250 s (1/4)
Focal Length5.0mm (35mm equival
Flash UsedNo


Photo Search: email/publickey licensing