The two Frenchwomen (Céline and Angélique) were asked to stay behind for a moment while we -- the two guides and myself -- went to visit this temple, which no Toda woman (supposedly) has ever seen. Once a year a Toda holy man lives here for a month with a buffalo for sustainence, and at the end of the month all of the surrounding Toda men show up and there is a day-long ceremony of some kind. My guide, who was a Christian of Toda descent, was vague about the purpose of the ceremony; "Not much thinking in this Toda day, mostly coming together to celebrate and worship." The temple was in a depression with a wall around it, so I couldn't go any closer than this to take a picture.
PhotographerJoe Morris
Exposure0.006 s (1/160)
Focal Length4.5mm
Flash UsedYes


Photo Search: email/publickey licensing